In our previous post, we talked about beginning the process of fund raising. Well, here we are, a few months into the process and we can't help but feel discouraged. So far we have received only one time donations and one "pledge" to donate monthly. We realize that we haven't been doing this for that long, but still it's hard not to wonder if perhaps this isn't meant to be.
Don't think that we're giving up at the first sign of adversity, but it's hard not to wonder if perhaps this is God's way of showing us that South Africa is not His direction. That perhaps we heard wrong.
We still both feel a burning passion for the people of South Africa. We still feel at peace with our decision to move there. But each fund raising appointment we go to bears the same result. "No, we're sorry. We can't support you at this time." or "We can give a little bit, but just this once." Believe you me, we're not judging. We know the time in which we live. We realize there is economic crisis going on.
But oh, it's so hard. Disappointment and discouragement are lurking at the doorways of our hearts. And so, we wait on God. Wait for Him to pull through. We are so far from our goal. So far from our need being met. We are working and doing our best to contribute ourselves; but it's so hard. So hard to believe that this is possible.
We are doing our best to walk in thankfulness. God has already provided in so many ways for our right now. But our future in South Africa seems distant and unattainable.
What is the Lord teaching us? Patience? Is He going to test our loyalty and then pull through at the last possible second? Or is He perhaps telling us, "Not now."
We will now do what we only can do. We will wait and we will pray.
Please join with us in prayer as we seek the Lord's face for our next step. Pray that if this is His will, that funding will come. Pray that if it is not, that He will reveal that to us quickly. We are living so in transition and it's trying on us as a family. It's difficult to not know where you'll be in the next 6 months. To be living out of suitcases. We've laid it all down for this calling... a calling that we can only pray comes to fruition.
We thank you for your prayers.
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